A Lawyer's Case for God is another keeper. It is also a great book to hand out to people who are agnostic or atheist, especially if they are inquisative about God. It is written by a former athiest raised as a Reform Jew who has since become a Messianic Jewish Believer. If you have a heart to reach the lost, or non-believing Jewish people, this is the book for you. He effectively presents common arguments that unbelievers offer up when faced with a conversation about salvation. After reading this book, you'll know how to respond to questions like; Is there a God?; Is the Bible true?; Is it Jewish to believe in Yeshua?; Does the Bible have meaning for my life today?; Do I need to succumb to organized religion?; and so many more! You also get a bit of Jewish history. You learn how many historically famous people are Jewish and how the Jewish people have contributed to the entire world. He ends the book with his own faith journey and it's an encouragement to people who witness to others. It's a well thought out, easy to read, and worth the time book that everyone should own and share with others.